
How to Use a Sit Stand Desk

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Those of us who spend the majority of our day in an office environment have heard all the warnings:


“Sitting is the new smoking!”


“Make sure to walk around as much as possible!”


“Idleness leads to death!!”


There is certainly a good amount of truth to these comments. Recent studies have shown how detrimental it can be to one’s health to sit for eight hours a day, five days a week. However, if you are one of the lucky ones who have a sit-stand desk (thank you, progressive employers!), you can combat many of these harmful effects. In this blog post, we are going to discuss the best ways to get the most out of your sit-stand desk.


Make Sure You Actually USE the Stand Function

No, you are not going to magically reap the benefits of a sit-stand desk if you never stand at it. It can be hard to make yourself stand if you are feeling sluggish, especially first thing in the morning and during that afternoon slump. However, the paradox to this is that you actually feel more energized when you exert the energy required to stand. Mentally (and literally!), it keeps you on your toes. One good tip to keep in mind is to set your desk to the standing position at the end of the day so that in the morning, you will be more inclined to start out that way.


Keep it Flexible

The key to getting in a good routine with your sit-stand desk is flexibility. Just as sitting all day is not good for your health, neither is standing all day. You should change positions multiple times throughout the day. If you are someone who has used a sitting desk exclusively for many years, you may have to start out with relatively short periods of standing. By starting out slow and changing positions frequently, you can allow your body to adjust. This is why it is especially important to have relatively quiet automation in your desk. You wouldn’t want to disrupt your coworkers every time you decide to switch it up!


Don’t Neglect Your Posture

An ergonomic workstation means nothing if it is not specifically adjusted to your own ideal height. The most important thing you must do when you first get a sit-stand desk is to find those positions that allow for optimal posture. Your elbows should be at a ninety-degree angle, and your monitor should be eye-level. You should NOT be hunched over or putting any kind of strain on your muscles. The best way to ensure that you are operating at an optimal height level at all times is to invest in a desk that features several memory settings. This will allow you to program different height settings that will transform the desk into the best position for you just by pushing a button. This will eliminate the need for you to manually adjust the desk, thereby saving you time and mental energy.


Get a Desk with an Anti-Crush Feature

Anytime you have a piece of automated equipment, there are safety hazards that come along with it. However, equipped with the right safety features, you can greatly reduce or eliminate these hazards. Let’s say you press one of the memory settings buttons on your desk, beginning the conversion to a sitting desk. Unbeknownst to you, there is an object in its path of movement. Instead of continuing to move down and crushing the object, a smartly designed desk will include an anti-crush feature that senses the object and halts movement. The value of this software cannot be overstated, especially given the dynamic nature of an office.


These are just a few tips to help you feel more comfortable at your sit-stand desk. It may take time to adjust to a new workstation, but the benefits you will reap now and in the future are well worth it! We would love to hear your comments on what you think about ergonomic workstations, and if you have any additional tips that are worth noting!

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