mag 03 2021

Actuation Systems for Patient Lift Applications

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Complete Solution for Patient Lifts

Timotion provides a complete system solution for patient lift applications to improve the comfort of patients. This system also offers caregivers a safe and efficient working environment.


Timotion's patient lift system is the optimum solution to meet specific patient needs. Our system of powerful, quiet actuators, wide range of handsets and control boxes, assure patients a safe and comfortable transfer.


Discover our solution for lifting in highly complex situations, areas of acute and critical care, for both hospitals and care facilities.


Actuator systems for patient lifts

TiMOTION provides a large range of actuators for different needs and requests:

TA23 linear actuator has the ability to support 8 000 Newtons. Our TA36, also used for this application can support 10 000 N and our TA12 can lift until 12 000 N.

All has up to IP66, high level protection against water and dust.  In case of power failure, the manual release can be used to lower the patient.


Control boxes system

Our TC20 or TC12 control boxes are used to manage actuators.

The TC20 is a control box that can easily be installed for the caregivers. Since the charger is built into the control box, the AC cable is plugged directly into the TC20. This control box has an option to add a cable management bracket.


Our TC12 control box includes a detachable battery that can be charged directly in the control box, or by our TBC2 battery charging dock, which can be mounted to the wall.


They both have an alarm when the battery has lower capacity remaining and an emergency stop button.


TC20 Key Features :

  • Emergency stop button
  • Cable management bracket
  • Electrical lowering button
  • Easy to charge
  • Easy installation
  • IP rating up to IP66

TC12 Key Features :

  • Slim design
  • Multiple display options
  • Emergency stop button
  • Easy installation
  • Detachable battery pack


Our range of hand controls for the patient hoist have been developed to provide multiple positions and flexible grip. A few examples include:

  • Our TMH3, handset which can connect until 3 actuators and is available in IP66 protection. The cable is detachable to the handset.
  • Our TH10, capable to connect up to 3 actuators and has an IP rating of up to IP66.

Safety and Ergnomics have been the most important for TiMOTION.

Our goal is to help to improve the working conditions for the nurse and offer a better life for the patient.

All TiMOTION systems are tested and certified to international medical standards.

Applicazioni Correlate

TiMOTION Electric Actuator Solutions for Patient Lifts

Sollevatori medicali

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