Motorize Your Exhaust System With The VN1 Electric Actuator
Did you know that, in the case of fire, the flames are not necessarily the most dangerous?
Highly toxic, smoke inhalation causes the thermal burning effect, bronchopulmonary irritation, and asphyxial respiratory distress.1 It is the leading cause of death among fire victims.
It is therefore essential to have efficient exhaust systems, particularly in all public and industrial buildings.
The VN1, our latest industrial electric actuator, allows you to make your exhaust systems even more efficient! Find out the VN1 main features:
VN1 electric linear actuator
- 3,500N in push/pull
- 4,2 mm/s under 3,500N
- Voltage: 12 or 24V DC, 100~240V AC
- Stroke: 20 ~500 mm
- IP66
- Options: Hall Sensor(s), safety nut, window seal mechanism
Thanks to its design, its lateral attachment system, and compliance with standard EN12101-2, the VN1 electric actuator establishes itself as the ideal product for the motorization of smoke evacuation windows.
Able to push up to 3,500N, it easily can open even the toughest of systems.
The window seal mechanism will allow windows to close completely the rest of the time, thus avoiding any undesired thermal input, loss of rain infiltration.
Its smart version will allow your customers to control systems with many windows for synchronized and even more efficient mechanisms!
Want to know more about the VN1? Contact a member of our sales team or fill out an online inquiry form.
Find out more about our industrial range of products by clicking here.
1 https://urgences-serveur.fr/intoxication-aux-fumees-d-incendie,290.html