TiMOTION Exhibits At Workspace Design Show London 2025


Workspace Design Show facilitates quality connections and presents premium workplace interior solutions. It will take place on february 26 and 27, 2025 at the Business Design Centre in London. Learn about the best practices in workspace design, and connect with like-minded individuals.


We'd like to invite you to this upcoming event. We will be showcasing our latest product series of lifting columns, height-adjustable desk frames and smart controls  for ergonomic office furniture.


We look forward to speaking with you soon at Workspace Design Show London, in our booth – B33.


Please click here for more details regarding registration information.


Our team would love an opportunity to hear about the development of your projects and discuss what we can do to better meet your needs.


Click on the video to watch the TiMOTION presentation


관련 애플리케이션

가정용 높이 조절 테이블용 전동 리니어 액추에이터 솔루션-02

홈 테이블

TiMOTION Electric Actuator Solutions for Office Desks-02

사무용 책상

TiMOTION Electric Actuator Solutions for Office Phone Booths and Office Pods-02

오피스 전화 부스 및 오피스 포드

TiMOTION Electric Actuator Solutions for Technical Workstations-02

기술 워크스테이션

스크린 및 TV 리프트용 전동 선형 액추에이터 솔루션-02

스크린 및 TV 리프트

TiMOTION Electric Actuator Solutions for Lecterns and Podiums-02

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