TC15P is an upgraded control box for the 2-leg height adjustable desk. The TC15P has an additional port for an external battery, which gives mobility to your sit-stand desk. In addition, the TC15P has integrated t-touch and built-in Bluetooth options that protect your desk from material damage and enable the desk to be operated via our mobile desk app.
With advanced PCB, the TC15P makes it possible to add a USB or wireless charging device onto the system. This new generation TiMOTION control box makes 0.1W low standby power standard. With the TC15P, you can easily utilize all the features you want for your sit-stand desk.
General Features
Number of motors: 2
Max. output: 32V DC, 10A
Back up battery: External battery
Options: Support t-touch/Bluetooth built-in and charging accessory
Built-in transformer type: SMPS
Plug support: EU, USA, AUS, UK, or JPN
Color: Black
Operational temperature range: +5°C~+45°C
0.1 or 0.5W standby power consumption
Compact design for height adjustable desks
Standard Dimension (mm)